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The condition of your teeth and gums shows you a lot about your overall health. The next time you visit your dentist in Denver, ask about the following connections between your oral and full-body health:

Bacteria in the Mouth
When you do not properly brush and floss your teeth, bad bacteria develop in your mouth. Without the proper treatment, these bacteria can actually cause infections in your mouth that get into your blood stream. Infection and inflammation in the mouth can lead to periodontal disease. If left untreated, the periodontal disease will break down the bones and tissues in your teeth, which might eventually lead to tooth loss. It can also cause health issues in other parts of your body.


Periodontal Disease and Diabetes
People who have diabetics are much more susceptible to getting periodontal disease. High blood sugar levels increase the risk for infection throughout the body, including the gums. Because of this, diabetics must be very careful to properly care for their teeth and gums to reduce the risk for periodontal disease. On the other hand, people with periodontal disease have more trouble controlling their blood sugar levels, which could increase diabetes symptoms.

Periodontal Disease and Heart Disease
About 91 percent of patients who have heart disease also have periodontal disease. The link between periodontal and heart disease is extremely strong because they share some common risk factors like smoking, obesity, and an unhealthy diet. Many researchers believe that inflammation in the mouth leads to inflammation in the blood vessels, which significantly increases one’s risk for heart disease.

Periodontal Disease and Pregnancy
Pregnant women are also at a higher risk for developing periodontal disease. Gum disease also increases a woman’s risk for delivering a premature baby with a low birth weight, which could increase the baby’s chance of developing serious health issues like lung conditions and heart conditions. If you are pregnant, you should work closely with your dentist to ensure that you have healthy gums throughout every trimester.

Full Body Health Checkup in Denver, CO