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Colorado Advanced Dentistry

Be Happy With Your Smile Today!

Professional Dentists in Lakewood, CO


Welcome to Colorado Advanced Dentistry, where smiles are crafted with care and technology meets compassion. Located in the heart of Lakewood, our dental office serves the entire metro area and the beautiful state of Colorado. Led by the esteemed Dr. Mark Whatcott, we’re more than just dentists – we’re your partners in achieving optimal oral health and radiant smiles.

Step into our warm and inviting space, where Dr. Whatcott’s personalized approach is seamlessly blended with innovative dental technology. Your comfort is our priority, and we’re dedicated to ensuring your visit is not just productive, but also pleasantly pain-free. From enhancing your smile’s radiance with teeth whitening and veneers to tackling gum issues with state-of-the-art laser gum treatment, our comprehensive services cater to your unique needs.

Say goodbye to worries about gaps, crooked teeth, or unsightly fillings. Dr. Whatcott’s expertise, backed by a fusion of time-tested techniques and modern innovations, offers solutions to a wide array of concerns. As your smile transformation partner, his mission resonates beyond metro Lakewood – it’s dedicated to improving smiles across the entire state of Colorado.

Introducing a Breakthrough Treatment for Gum Recession

Embarking on a journey of innovation, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the groundbreaking Pinhole Surgical Technique for gum recession. Dr. Mark Whatcott is one of the select few worldwide to offer this minimally invasive procedure, sparing you the discomfort of traditional cut-and-stitch surgery. Experience a revolution in oral care that eliminates grafting and stitches, all while revitalizing your gum health.

Fighting Gum Disease Using LANAP Laser Gum Treatment in Lakewood

Gum disease is unfortunately widespread in the United States today, and it’s concerning how it can contribute to more serious issues such as heart disease and premature birth. Surprisingly, three out of every four Americans now grapple with gum disease. Overlooking the initial signs of this condition can lead to significant repercussions, including the eventual loss of teeth. Rest assured, Dr. Whatcott is not only licensed but also passionate about performing the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP), the FDA’s only approved laser gum treatment. This advanced therapy brings about notably reduced discomfort and quicker healing compared to traditional “cut and stitch” surgery. Dr. Whatcott takes pride in having brought this innovative and safe treatment to countless cherished patients, reflecting our commitment to their well-being.

Using Technology for Better Results

In our pursuit of excellence, we harness the power of technology to deliver superior results. From the Wand’s computerized anesthetic delivery to our 3D intraoral scanner, every tool enhances your experience. Our commitment to your comfort extends to relaxation treatments, ensuring your time in the dentist’s chair is stress-free and enjoyable.

Personalized Dental Service in Lakewood, Colorado

At Colorado Advanced Dentistry, you’re not just a patient – you’re part of our dental family. Dr. Whatcott’s philosophy revolves around building personal relationships, ensuring you’re at ease during each visit. Unlike crowded clinics, your appointment receives Dr. Whatcott’s undivided attention, offering a level of care that’s truly unique.

We understand that quality dental care should be accessible, and that’s why we focus on offering reasonable prices without compromising on excellence. Dr. Whatcott’s mission is to provide gentle, personalized care that’s within your reach. Experience dentistry that’s warm, innovative, and genuinely caring – experience Colorado Advanced Dentistry today.

Read Some Of Our Customer Testimonials