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Dental Fillings, Crowns, and Bridges

As you strive to maintain oral health at home with consistent brushing, flossing, and general hygienic maintenance, there may still come a time where restorative measures are necessary. These are the procedures applied to teeth that have sustained some damage and require some protection against further disrepair so they can heal. Below, we explain the specifics about the restorative procedures we offer at Colorado Advanced Dentistry.

Crowns And Bridges Services in Lakewood

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are protective coverings for the teeth that are custom fitted with a hard material to maintain the tooth’s shape. They are held in place with a powerful adhesive that should maintain its seal for years.

  • Types of Dental Crowns

A crown can be composed of several distinct types of materials, but they are usually ceramic since this material matches the look and feel of tooth enamel most closely. Porcelain is another material that matches tooth enamel closely, but it is more expensive, though less expensive than gold, which is usually reserved for back teeth.

  • Benefits of Dental Crowns

Beyond the restored cosmetic appearance of covering a damaged tooth, a crown forms a protective seal that helps you maintain the natural structure of the jaw (bite). This seal prevents further complications that can be caused by misaligned teeth, and it also prevents food from getting into areas where bacteria can cause deeper problems.

What Are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are used to repair teeth that have not been extensively damaged by cavities and/or decay. During this procedure, a dentist will clean out the affected area of the tooth and replace it with filling material, which hardens to replace the missing enamel. 

  • Types of Dental Fillings

A standard filling, where the dentist cleans out decayed surface material from the tooth and fills it with a resin composite, is just called a filling. When a cavity has reached the deep part of a tooth and requires a more extensive removal of infected pulp, this is called a root canal. 

  • Benefits of Dental Fillings

Like crowns, a filling protects the sensitive areas of the tooth from further damage, only the seal is inside the borders of the tooth rather than covering it. Fillings also benefit from their less-intrusive nature compared to other procedures, as it’s always better to fix a dental problem while keeping the natural structures intact.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are used when a patient has one or more teeth missing in each area, and the restorative process is then used to mend the jaw structure by filling the gap. The apparatus can be seen as a permanent denture that is anchored to healthy teeth and filled with prosthetic teeth to complete the natural shape of your smile.

  • Types of Dental Bridges

The anchored bridge mentioned above is the standard type, but the dental bridge can also be secured with dental implants if there are too many missing teeth, or if the teeth next to the gap aren’t secure enough. This is called an implant-retained bridge.

  • Benefits of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a non-invasive way to restore your bite’s structure and appearance without surgical alteration. With this cosmetic restoration comes functional restoration: being able to chew as normal and sleep without grinding or causing further disruption to the structure because of the gaps.

Why Choose Us

Led by Lakewood dentist Dr. Whatcott, our team takes professional care and attention to detail to their utmost levels and couple these principles with a dedication to patient comfort. We’re aware that dental procedures can be a source of anxiety, so we apply the kind of care that is painless as possible, while keeping our patients informed at every step.

Looking for a different type of oral care? Follow these links for more information about our more advanced dental procedures like gum recession treatments and cosmetic dentistry.

Contact Us Today

Call us to speak with a representative that would be happy to answer any initial questions and set up a consultation. You can also fill out our contact form at your convenience.

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