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A family dentist in Denver can provide adults and children of all ages with comprehensive dental care. When choosing a family dentist for your household, you want to be sure that the dentist has had the education, experience, and training necessary to handle your family’s specific dental needs. Here are some tips for choosing the right family dentist near you.

Visit the Dental Office in Person

When you visit a dental office in person before you become a patient, you can discover valuable information about how the office operates. If your potential family dentist offers consultations, you can use that opportunity to evaluate the dental office. The dental office should be clean, bright, cheerful, and well maintained. The staff should be friendly, compassionate and knowledgeable. When you meet with the dentist, he or she should be willing to patiently answer your questions, and you should feel comfortable and confident in speaking with him about your family’s dental care needs.

Look at Online Customer Reviews

A great way to determine if a dental office or specific dentist has a good reputation is to look at online customer reviews. One bad review doesn’t mean that you should avoid a dentist, but use your good judgment. If the dental office has multiple bad reviews, particularly if customers are complaining about customer service issues or safety issues, you should look elsewhere for a dentist. Likewise if a dentist has poor reviews, whether they’re all complaints about the same issues or multiple different problems.

Verify the Dental Services Offered

Before you commit to a dentist, you’ll want to be sure that he offers services that will benefit each member of your family. For your kids, you’ll want to find a family dentist who offers pediatric dentistry, preventative dentistry, and either has an orthodontist on staff, or can offer a trustworthy referral. Adults should look for a dentist who provides general dentistry, restorative dentistry, and cosmetic dentistry. If anyone in your family suffers from dental fear or anxiety, you should ask your dentist about dental anxiety therapy options.

Choosing Family Dentistry in Denver, CO